This event will take place on August 16, 2021 at the Artist House. This year, the conference will take place for the fourth time and will be useful for everyone who promotes projects or products.
What is this conference about
This year the conference in New York will take place for the fourth time. This event is organized so that professionals can get new experiences and make new acquaintances.
For whom this conference will be useful
The conference about digital marketing will be useful for designers, marketers, businessmen, and managers. You will learn how to work with content, analytics, and the target audience.
What will the conference be like?
There will be lectures and workshops. At the lectures, speakers will share their cases and marketing lifehacks. During the workshops, you will work on real projects.
Who will deliver speeches
Every year we invite the best experts in the digital marketing industry and related fields. Successful businessmen and marketers will share their experiences.
Experts from different countries will make speeches at the conference